Lucinda Treadwell

about me

I am an experienced copy editor in the field of biological science, certified by the Board of Editors in the Life Sciences (click here for list of books I have edited). With a master's degree in entomology from the University of Maine, research toward a PhD at the University of Florida, and twenty years' experience in entomology and related biological science subjects, including ecology, botany, zoology, wildlife management, and sustainable agriculture, I can help you—a student at any level, an academic, a professional researcher, a popular or technical writer in a biological science field. I can also help writers in English as a second language from around the world.

Let's face it, skill in writing takes practice and dedication. It also helps to have some natural talent—talent for picky details of grammar and word choice that can seem obscure, distracting, even baffling to people whose talents and interests lie elsewhere. Still, skill in writing is the basis of skill in communication, and communication in writing is vitally necessary, not only for career-minded scientists at any level, from student to renowned principal researcher and book author, but also for the public interest and the interests of science itself.

I am skilled in formatting for journal styles, and for CSE, APA, MLA, and more style manuals and guidelines. I can also tweak or create Excel graphs and PowerPoint slides and posters. I made the slides on this site as a graduate teaching assistant at the University of Florida in 1998–2000 for students in introductory entomology labs.

Please e-mail me about your project, from a 1-page paper to a complete book, and let me tell you how I can improve it. I check my e-mail daily and can usually reply within 4 hours.

Lucinda Treadwell, ms, els
Stetson, ME 04488

my resume

list of books I have edited

last updated: July 14, 2024